Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
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Daily hot lunches are available. Free for those 60 and over although a donation of $2.50 per lunch is appreciated. The cost for those under 60 is $5.62. Lunch MUST be requested by noon the day before in order to be on the list to get one when you arrive. Call the Center to reserve a lunch. Lunches may be reserved for multiple days. The donation of $2.50 per lunch is appreciated and allows the program to stay sufficiently funded along with local, state, and federal support. Make checks out to TRIO/Valley Services.
We offer help to anyone learning how to use the PC/computer, Ipad/tablet, or cell phone. We can help with hardware connections as well as software like Office and Apps like Facetime or Facebook. Scheduled walk-in time is 9 am Mondays. Learn how to get more out of your devices. Happy to help!
One of our most attended activities! BINGO is scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12:30 pm. Bring your own cards or disinfect. To play, cards are a nickel each and the donations are used as prizes. A 50-50 raffle and often a donated gift raffle is conducted during play, usually on Wednesdays. Donations are so appreciated!
We have open bi-monthly Euchre Tournaments on the 2nd and last Tuesdays. Pinochle is on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Tripoly and mahjongg are played. Want to play bridge or any other table board, or card game? Let us know!
Line dancing is held every Wednesday at 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Beginners are always welcome, and the more experienced are happy to help new dancers. The session, however, is more intermediate dancing than a class for beginners. New dances are taught most sessions. Do come and try it out; it is good exercise, very social as we always have a good break, and it is good brain work! $3 donation to the instructor is requested.
During various times of the week or the day, we have had speakers from various agencies. Often these are short sessions just before lunch is served. Watch the news or events page for any upcoming events. Want to do a presentation or would like us to schedule something? Let us know!
Dinners with food from various cultures are scheduled as a fundraiser for our Center. We feature Hungarian, Polish/Ukrainian, Italian, Mexican, American, Irish, and more. Watch the events page and the sign in front of our building. They are a major fundraiser and we hope you take part! And if you want to be an organizer or helper, please let us know. We need your help!
At various times of the year, often in coordination with the Point Place Business Association, events are held on site, such as Caroling in the Park, Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Trunk or Treat, Spring Chalk Art Walk, New Years Eve Frog Drop. Announcements are posted for these events so check back regularly!
For the last three years we have been the grateful recipients of a grant from the City of Toledo Parks and Youth Services! All for free, we were able to offer family dances, summer concerts, a summer outdoor children's event and monthly afterschool student leadership sessions. We need many volunteers for these events and we thank everyone who has stepped up to help and take part in the fun. Do volunteer!
Various organizations hold meetings or events in our Center and all are welcome to attend, for example, a monthly AARP, a free Veterans lunch, a youth group, a Red Cross Blood Drive, a Meet the Candidates evening, and others. Check this site for dates and times!
We have had Pie and Cake contests, participate in the Mustard Seed walk, sponsor craft shows, and help with the annual Point Place parade. We are conducting another rummage sale and hosting a vendor/open house/welcome event. Stay tuned and come help us plan!
Two shuffleboard courts are painted on the floor of the main meeting room. Check the events page for dates and times for shuffleboard play. A group enjoys this pastime regularly and welcome new faces to hopefully become new friends. Do come and try it out!
We have a wall in our hallway full of books to share. Just take what you would like to read and bring any good books to donate when you have some (no magazines). There are also board games and jigsaw puzzles to borrow and return when convenient.
Twice each month a restaurant location is chosen as a location for seniors to gather for dinner. You get there on your own and pay on your own. You can enjoy the camaraderie and pleasure of being with others while enjoying the ambience of the chosen restaurant. Everyone is invited! Just let the Center know so enough places are held for the big group at the restaurant.