Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
Signed in as:
John Burgan, President
Janet McPherson, Vice President
Kris Shawen, Secretary
Mary Lichtenwald, Treasurer
Board Members:
Pat Brzuchalski
Joyce Ejhinger
Teri Gawronski
Gloria Godwin
Sheryl Holbrook
Marylyn Lucas
Deloris Michalak
Robert Placencio
Vera Placencio
Marilyn Ritter
Fran Rowe
David Shawen
Kris Shawen
Steven Toda
Tammy Toda
Friendship Park Community Center is entirely organized around volunteers. We have one staff person, Carol McDole, our Coordinator of Facility and Services. She is generally at the Center from 9 am to 3 pm. With volunteer help, she oversees needed custodial work around the Center, prepares and serves the senior lunches delivered from TRIO Community Meals for those who have made a reservation, and serves as overall receptionist and greeter. The officers of our Board of Trustees, all volunteers, can also often be found, especially during the morning hours. Each event has an Activity Leader, all kindly volunteering their time to make the activity available to the community. We have a long list of people who have volunteered for a single event or come regularly. We so appreciate them!
We have many dedicated people who work to create a warm and inviting place for our community. We have volunteers who create and run programs, such as the card games, BINGO, line dancing, the Heritage Dinners, and all of the various programs. We need more volunteers! We need workers, we need leaders, and we need people with special skills, such as experts in medical, social, mental, physical health, legal/law enforcement, recreation, gardening, organization, communication, and more. Wanting to find a way to give back to your community? Let us add you to our list of volunteers we can notify when there is a need.
We are grateful to our area businesses who donate the $100 to be a corporate supporter for one year. So appreciated!
KTs Diner - KT Crociata
Rooter Pro
Reid Casket Company
Blue Skies Fore Ever, LLC
Lee Williams Meats
Am Vets Post #222 Bay View Park
Scott Wood, State Farm Insurance
Local 45 Heat & Frost Insulators
Point Place Business Association
Point and Shoreland Journal
Catalyst Business Coaching and Development
V.J. Hoffman