Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
Jigg's Dinner March 13. Get tickets now!
Signed in as:
Free Private Legal Advice,
Tues, March 4!
Free 30 minute appointments between 9:30am and 12:30 pm will be available quarterly with Joseph Stanford, a lawyer from Legal Aid of Western Ohio.
Free follow-up appointments may also be scheduled as needed. Need a will or a power of attorney bankruptcy advice, have a landlord-tenant issue? Take advantage of this free help and make your appointment.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 to set up your 30 minute appointment. Appointments for March can be scheduled starting Feb 1st.
We are forming a chess club at Friendship Park Community Center and we would love to have you join us!
All are welcome no matter your proficiency level...Beginner, Intermediate or MASTER!
We will be meeting on Thursday mornings 10 am to noon with a tentative start date of March 6.
You need not be a member for this (or any activity here) to join. A sign-up sheet is in the lobby
or contact Sheryl Holbrook at
419-320-8021 to sign up or ask for more information
Sign up at Friendship Park Community Center or call the Center to register at 419-936-3079 by the Tuesday before. Invite your friends that are veterans. They do not need to be a member of FPCC. Lunch is free for all veterans and one guest.
The free Veterans' Lunch is held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday. All veterans are invited and may bring one guest. If you know a veteran, offer an invite!
There are two Senior Dine Out opportunities each month, on the 2nd Tuesday and the 4th Monday. All are invited and welcome! Please join us.
Upcoming dates/locations:
Mar 11 Chateau Louise
Mar 24 Hot Sizzling Wok
Apr 8 Inky's, Detroit Ave.
Apr 28 Trapperz
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 by the Friday before to make your reservation so the restaurant can be sure to have food and a place for you.
Transportation to the dinners is on your own. Meet at the restaurant at 4:30 p.m.
Seagate Senior Food Boxes may be picked up at Friendship Park Community Center each 2nd Tuesday of the month between 10 am and noon or the next day, Wednesday between 2pm and 3pm. Help is available to put the box in your car. Requirements are over age 60 and have a monthly income of less than $1632. You must apply and applications are available at the Center.
Do apply for a box if you think you may be eligible.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for questions or to volunteer your help.
Thursday, March 13, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. This is our first fundraiser of the year and we hope it see you there!
The menu includes. of course, corned beef, cabbage, red-skin potatoes, carrots, roll & butter, beverages and dessert! Do get your traditional Jigg's Dinner here.
Both dine-in or carry-out available.
Ticket donation cost is only $15!
Ticket sale begins Monday, February 24, at Friendship Park Community Center, 2930 131stSt., from 10 am- 2 pm. Tickets will also be sold at the door.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for questions or to volunteer your help.
You are invited to a monthly Breakfast Out on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am.
The location is KTs Diner on Suder Avenue. No sign-up needed. Just come on over and join in!
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for more information.
Bunco is a new event at Friendship Park Community Center and is offered monthly on the 4th Thursday. How is it played? Those in the know will tell you it is easy - just roll the dice, hope for some luck, and have lots of fun. Very social! Need to get out during the winter and be with people? This is for you!
Snacks and prizes will be available courtesy of those who bring them to share.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for more information.
The meeting is free for all over 50. You do not have to be a member to attend.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for more information.
Friendship Park Community Center is hosting a Germain-themed Family Fun Dance on Friday, May 2, 2025. 6-9 p.m. Special entertainment will feature the Bavarian Sports Club of Toledo to include a May pole dance!
There will also be food & refreshments will be served.
The dance is for all ages from toddlers to seniors. Everything is free. No registration necessary.
The dance is made possible with a grant from the City of Toledo Parks & Youth Services.
Call Friendship Park Community Center at 419-936-3079 for questions or to volunteer your help.
This is a fundraiser for our Center and we appreciated all who supported us. Only 300 tickets were available and we were thrilled to sell every last one! Each weekly winner got a check for $75 until the last one, on December 11, who won the grand prize of $500.
Congratulations to our
winners of the Fall 2024 Raffle:
September 25 - Angelina Gonzalez
October 2 - Dawn Vanderhoss
October 9 - Pat Bruchalski
October 16 - Sheila Thornsberg
October 23 - Brenda Kilburn
October 30 - Linda Meyer
November 6 - Bob Ejhinger
November 13 - James Speggle
November 20 - Dave Shawen
November 27 - Dave Shawen
December 4 - Judy Robbins
December 11 - $500 winner - Ron Freeman
Lunch Room
Must reserve by noon the day before. Age 60 and over are free; donations are appreciated; suggested $2.50 per lunch. Checks to TRIO Commun...
Lunch Room
Computer Room
Computer Room
Lunch Room
Come and learn how to play this game and while away some enjoyable time with others. New players needed!
Lunch Room
Restaurant varies each month
Reservations required to reserve sufficient space and food at the restaurant chosen that month. Call 419-936-3079 to reserve your spot.
Restaurant varies each month
Activity Room
Activity Room
Activity Room
Bring a dish to share.
Activity Room
Activity Room
Activity Room
KT's Diner, Suder Avenue
No reservation required. Walk in and join the group. No agenda, just food and company.
KT's Diner, Suder Avenue
Activity Room
Players pay $3 and all money is used to provide 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and booby prizes. Arrive early to snag your spot at a table. Come and join t...
Activity Room
Activity Room
Intermediate line dancing with help for beginners to catch up. Good exercise, brain work, as well as social fun.
Activity Room
Activity Room
Tripoly players looking for another player. Bridge players wanted. Bring your friends to play a board or card game or join others at play. ...
Activity Room
Activity Room
All welcome. News from AARP, Area Office on Aging, and speakers each month.
Activity Room
Activity Room
Speakers each month. Veterans may bring a guest.
Activity Room
Activity Room
Snacks and prizes brought by players.
Activity Room
Hallway or Lunchroom
Available anytime to sit and enjoy or take home to use.
Hallway or Lunchroom